Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rules of blogging

I haven't blogged the past week because we took our big trip. One of the cardinal rules we are all told is to not announce when you are out of town to the world. The family is now home safe and sound. Many adventures happened to us. The next few blogs will be about surviving our family trip. I hope you are all enjoying your summers.

We did have some news while away. On a sad note my sister's fiance died of a massive heart attack on fourth of July. He and Tory were listening to music at a concert at the beach when he just fell over. Honestly, it was probably the way he would want to go. The man loved music and a quick exit is the easiest escape.

My sister was there though to witness the half hour of CPR to try and revive him unsuccessfully. It has been devastating for her. He has been in her life for 5 years now. He was a great support to her and her children. They were to be married August 14th of this year. He will be missed.

Meanwhile on the other side of the family, my mother in law's house caught fire. Some damage, but they were able to contain it to just an outside wall and a deck with covered porch. The fire men came and cut holes to make sure the fire was fully out and not smoldering anywhere. It was quite the adventure. Worst of it was that while my sister in law was hosing down the fire and yelling for everyone to get out of the house, my mother in law stood in her living room with her walking cane and watched through the window. Houses can go very quickly. They were lucky my sister in law saw the the flames right away.

Life is not dull.

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