Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday pass

Today we do not have to go to the doctor. He is giving us a pass. Riley received fresh platelets and blood last week even though platelets were at 14, so we could try to skip our first Thursday. Tom and I both wish we could at least see the numbers. It is a long wait, two weeks. it does save our insurance money. Each Thursday visit runs around $1800 just for showing up and the blood work. If Riley needs blood or platelets the bill goes to $2600 plus.

So today I have Riley helping me clean the house. He is after the game Spore, which runs about $50. My mother in law is coming to visit, so I have to clean the house. Riley negotiated a fee for helping me. He is vacuuming and putting toys away. We will see how far we get. I sprinkled carpet freshener on last night before bed and mopped the kitchen up. I also did the powder room and the boys bathroom. Today I want to tackle the room She will be staying in.

The guest room has been the boy's playroom for a while. When we cleaned out Riley's room I did not put everything back in it. It is easier if the boys don't have toys in their rooms. The messes are minimized. Eventually I need to tackle Trevor's room. I still have the flooring to put in, which is stacked in the guest room. I will need to find a new home for that flooring. I don't want to carry it back down to the garage again. It is ready to install. I just need to motivate. Trevor has really big furniture in his room.

So we will keep today manageable and just tackle Grandma's room, so it looks nice for her visit. Even the little boys next door who come in to play in that room tell me "It's messy". I did not build that big shelving unit yet. I found in the garage a plastic industrial shelving unit I was under utilized and brought it up to the room for the toys. It helped. But my boys have a lot of stuff, all treasures that can't be disposed of. So I stare at the space trying to figure out where I want their toys to land while we have visitors.

We are also hoping friends are coming for memorial weekend. Another reason to tackle that room. Martha Stewart said there is always that one room that holds everything and is just a challenge.

The thought crosses my mind to go up into the attic. I could put in a pull down ladder and have storage up above. If it is easily accessible by stairs then it would be workable. But then where to put the stairs? The guest room is most logical. I am dwelling on the thought. These new houses have engineered trusses which means knee beams come down shrinking the usable spaces. I think I will go peak up into the access panel now. I love easy projects. This one may not be doable, but I wont know until I look.


  1. IT ATE MY COMMENT.... How rude.

    Lloyanne... still waiting for the toaster story.
