Friday, April 15, 2011


have been laid up in bed for two days. I never vomited again, but I felt close to it several times. I did feel tingling in my hands and arms. Tom held my hand the whole ride home from the club. He kept saying it was the black mold causing this. Personally I think it was a combination of Trevor's bug and the black mold.

I told Tom I felt like I had a hang over, but I hadn't had any alcohol, it was so unfair. I got up a couple of times, but my energy level was zero and eventually would go back to bed and sleep for hours. Tom came up to watch TV. I loved the company, if only I had felt better. I listened to the history channel do a story on Thomas Jefferson.

Tom and I were both disappointed that more wasn't done on the civil war 150th anniversary. The children came home from school and not one teacher had mentioned it. Fort Sumter was attacked, starting the civil war this week. There was a nice insert in our local paper about it. This week should have been Abraham Lincoln or the Generals of the civil war. It was a pivotal time in our history.

Tom has the theory that had a different president been elected and the civil war not happened, we would still have eventually abolished slavery. England and France and other countries that had slaves, eventually realized the evil of slavery without going to war over it. But it would have taken a longer time. Did we just cram all those body counts into a shorter window of time?

The civil war was not just about slavery. The real argument was states rights. Did the federal government have the authority to tell the states what they could and could not do within their own boundaries. Lincoln fought to preserve the union first, and abolish slavery second. The emancipation proclamation was not until much later in the war. The southern states just didn't like his getting elected. North Carolina seceded first, then attacked Fort Sumter as a northern military outpost in their state, which lead to other southern states joining North Carolina, everyone taking sides and the war was on. The first shots fired were from North Carolina at Fort Sumter.

I guess it made sense to be listening to Thomas Jefferson this week as he was also a man who took his role of president as being more than just leadership. He expanded the powers of Federal government. Under Jefferson we started a Navy to fight piracy at sea. He bought from Napoleon the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the country with a pen stroke. He did these acts without consulting congress and took some heat in the press. But there are no "take backs" when you are President.

So I lay in bed listening to the TV. It made me nauseated to lift my head or use my eyes. I still say "watching" TV is bad when you are sick. I probably would not have had it on if it weren't for wanting Tom's company.

I am off to work today. Just a half day. We are inventorying the stock. Riley needs more yogurt. I got on him about all the open jars. Now he is throwing them away, which means I have to buy more more often. The doctor's visit went well. Riley had another bump in his numbers. Though he was sick again. The doctor says it is hard to tell with those bumps and his being sick. But we are happy, and decreased another dosage level.

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